Saturday, May 29, 2010

We're no different than Adam and Eve

We rented the movie "Dumbo" from the library and the kids watched it for the first time Friday night. Along with that, they had popcorn, which they absolutely love. The only person in our family that doesn't really enjoy popcorn is John. We'll see if Sophia grows up to be a popcorn fan or not.
Anyway, the movie ended and the kids went to bed happy. There was some leftover popcorn in the bag and I threw it in the garbage bin.

The next morning, I saw my little boy with some crumbs on his face even before we started breakfast. I asked him what he was eating. Apparently, he found the popcorn bag in the trash can and decided to eat some. He said that Sydney ate some too. Sydney immediately in defense said "well, he leaded me to eat it". John responded in laughter by saying "boy....this is sounding all too familiar".

We're not too far off from Adam and Eve, are we?!

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