Monday, October 19, 2009

Adam and Eve

Caleb was working on a project in our art room and he was supposed to do a piece of coloring for Uncle Adam and Aunt Anne (John's sister). When I asked him if he was going to finish his art work, he said

"Yes, I want to make this for Uncle Adam and Eve."

Too funny. I guess it's just easy for Eve's name to follow right after Adam's.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Birthday

I just cannot believe that this is October and my birthday has come and gone. It used to be that when I was 10, I couldn't wait to be that magical 12. Then when I turned 12, it seemed like sweet 16 was the next age to look forward too. Then not to mention turning 21 - seemed like ages ago. Now I'm 33 and who's counting anyway. I had to actually think about the year I was born and count my way up.

John bought me a vase full of white and purple Daisies, the weekend before my birthday and they have just made the kitchen area so pretty and lively. Those flowers still look so fresh and bright that I feel like everyday must be my birthday. ** smiles **

John took the kids and I out for a birthday meal to a new restaurant called Clara's. It's on the way to downtown Lansing and next to the train tracks. The restaurant is a converted train depot with amazing features like a cathedral ceiling, bronze and crystal chandeliers, fireplace mantel and of course the amazing view of trains going by. The food choices were an excellent assortment and everything tasted great. The kids loved running up to the window when a train came rolling by and before we left the restaurant, they both received some colored mints and balloons - which made the experience so worthwhile.

Then we came home to have some cake and open presents. It's always fun to see the kids eyes light up when they see candles on a cake and they are so ready to blow them out too. Caleb couldn't wait for the Happy Birthday song to begin and started digging into the cake with his fingers. It was a wonderful Birthday week, and thank you everyone for the cards, gifts and kind wishes.

Monday, October 5, 2009


This past Friday, Sydney brought home homework from school for the first time. I didn't think Kindergarten had homework for 5 year olds but they do. On Sunday evening, Sydney asked to play Chess again. I told her she had to finish her homework first. Then it occurred to me that this is just the beginning. She didn't mind sitting at the table to finish some math/counting worksheets. Caleb quickly joined us at the table and asked if he could do homework too. Poor guy, he just doesn't know what he's asking for.

I guess Sydney isn't the only one with homework. Parents do homework too. I'm supposed to make a "Me Book" for Sydney that allows the other kids to read and get to know Sydney better. It's like a mini scrapbook with simple statements of "I like my family" or "I like PB & J sandwiches"...on and on. I'm still working on getting pictures for her book and need to get it laminated. I want to get it done before this baby comes because I won't be doing any scrap booking for a LONG time. I just find this a little strange / funny because my parents certainly didn't do homework with me at this age. Times have changed! Apparently, she will soon be bringing books home to practice reading and to complete comprehension sheets as well. Yikes.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

My Indian Boy

Teaching two different cultures to the kids can be very confusing at times. Take eating for instance. The food choices between Asian and Western meals are as different as the east is from the west. I teach my kids how to use forks and spoons from the time they are about 18 months old. Fingers are fun for only some foods, but a no-no for things like spaghetti. Tonight, I served Indian food - typical rice, curry, sambar and a spinach dish (that is Sydney's absolute favorite). John and the kids were happy to eat using a spoon and I was happy to eat with my fingers - as we traditionally do back in Malaysia.

I could see it coming and sure enough, Caleb politely told me that it's not nice to eat with my fingers and that I should use a spoon instead. Sigh. How to explain this to an almost 3 year old, whom I often remind to eat with his spoon? (like his cereal, for instance) So, I tried to say that this is a special meal that tastes better with fingers. After looking at me (several times) with confusion written all over his cute little face, he put his spoon down and joined me by eating with his fingers - even using the correct hand, and only the right hand. John says he's definitely my little Indian boy. Sydney ate her meal with much joy but didn't join in the fun of using her fingers. She didn't care to get them dirty like that. It was so nice to see the whole family enjoy the meal and even ask for seconds!