Sunday, September 26, 2010

I have a doodler

Does the word "doodler" exist? That's what Sydney is, anyways. I think, she likes to doodle on her worksheets at school when she's done with work and is a little bored. She had a spelling test last Friday. She came home grinning as she showed me her perfect score. I wasn't too pleased to see that on the top of her spelling worksheet, she had written "I love Tegan". On the back of the worksheet, she had time to doodle some more. The teacher hasn't said anything to me, but I think it could be a sign of boredom. Her 1st grade teacher did say that she would be sending Sydney home with more challenging and appropriate homework. I hope she isn't bored because BORED could lead to not-so-positive behavior and other stuff. She still loves school and her class, so that's positive. Parent-Teacher conferences will be happening in a few weeks so it will be interesting to see what comes out of that.

Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm not a Jew

There's just not enough time to record every story and every funny moment in our family. At the dinner table today, John was telling us a story about a co-worker and something about Jews. Sydney asked what a Jew really was. John explained that Jews and Christians both believe in God but Jews don't believe in Jesus. She looked at him (while you could see the invisible brain wheels spinning) and in a few seconds responded with "well, I'm not a Jew!"

That's right, Sydney! You're not. Glad we got that clarified.

Never a dull moment at the dinner table. Maybe I should start up a separate blog that only journals dinner time moments with the family. That would certainly make an interesting blog, if only I had a secretary.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

MY little goat

In the past few weeks, Sophia has been busy crawling around and we've learned that she likes to chew books. The other two kids didn't really do much of that so I had nothing to worry. However, once I started seeing corners of pages missing, I knew I was in trouble. The kids usually alert me to this and I run to drag the scraps of chewed up paper from her mouth. She is SO good at hiding them in between her gums too -- it's amazing. When I think I've gotten it all out, I'll see her chewing like a little goat, and that's my clue that she still has more in there. Even the tiniest little speck of paper, she'll be chewing for a long time. Sophia has lots of nick names around here....and the most recent is "little goat".

Reviving my Blog

Ever since summer started, I simply lost track of time and forgot about my blog. At one point, I decided to give up on it because keeping up with Facebook and the Blog was getting to be too much. I like jotting down thoughts and stories, especially about the kids that I decided to keep it going. So, here's a cheers to reviving my blog!

What's the latest with the family?

* John started teaching again at MSU today! 3 classes from 10-4 p.m. with little breaks in between. (Let's hope he drinks lots of fluids and doesn't loose his voice with all that teaching)

* Sophia started crawling on her knees about 2 weeks ago.

* Sydney starts 1st grade the day after labor day and Caleb starts pre-school 2 days after her. We're feeling like an older family already.

* Vivien is busy planning Sophia's 1st birthday / halloween party already....thinking of some fun family costume ideas. As a family, we're going to all 5 dress up this year.

I'll have to write some other things in a separate blog item. More to come....