Monday, May 31, 2010

Expecting dead birds

On Saturday, we decided to do some long-awaited spring cleaning around the house. One of the big tasks on our list was to wash and clean all windows including the screens. That job alone took up half the day while watching all three kids in between. It's such a nice feeling to have the job crossed off our list and to feel like the house is cleaner. It really makes a difference to look out of our windows and see through it so clearly. Of course, it doesn't help to see so much cottonwood fluff flying around the neighborhood and sticking to the window screens when we open up the windows. The windows are so clean that I'm starting to prepare myself for birds flying into it, as they often happen around this time of the year. At least if I expect dead birds, then I'm not so disappointed when my windows get dirty again. Sigh.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

We're no different than Adam and Eve

We rented the movie "Dumbo" from the library and the kids watched it for the first time Friday night. Along with that, they had popcorn, which they absolutely love. The only person in our family that doesn't really enjoy popcorn is John. We'll see if Sophia grows up to be a popcorn fan or not.
Anyway, the movie ended and the kids went to bed happy. There was some leftover popcorn in the bag and I threw it in the garbage bin.

The next morning, I saw my little boy with some crumbs on his face even before we started breakfast. I asked him what he was eating. Apparently, he found the popcorn bag in the trash can and decided to eat some. He said that Sydney ate some too. Sydney immediately in defense said "well, he leaded me to eat it". John responded in laughter by saying "boy....this is sounding all too familiar".

We're not too far off from Adam and Eve, are we?!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Catch Phrase

Have you heard of the game called "Catch Phrase" ? It's a game where there's usually two teams of people competing and there is a word that you need to have your team guess by giving them clues so that you can pass the game device (its' like a mini computer) to the next person before the buzzer (timer) goes off. Whoever is caught holding the device looses and the other team gets a point. Since Sydney can now read, we were both playing it by ourselves -- couple of days ago. On one of my turns, my word was "Grape Soda". So, I started giving clues to Sydney by saying...

"it's a purple round fruit and it comes in bunches".... and Sydney said "Grapes". Then I continued to try and get her to guess the word "soda".... so I said "it's a drink that has lots of bubbles and fizz in it and very sweet and mommy doesn't usually like you to drink much of this".... and Sydney immediately shouted out " Carbonated drink ".

My jaw just dropped..... wondering how on earth she knew what a carbonated drink was. Of course, I quickly went on to say, "yes...but another word for it is ? "..... she couldn't guess.... So I ended up telling her the answer was Soda. She was disappointed for not knowing the correct answer but I tried to cheer her up and encourage her that I was so proud that she knew the word "carbonated" AND that was a better word than Soda. I don't think she was impressed like I was.