Monday, May 31, 2010

Expecting dead birds

On Saturday, we decided to do some long-awaited spring cleaning around the house. One of the big tasks on our list was to wash and clean all windows including the screens. That job alone took up half the day while watching all three kids in between. It's such a nice feeling to have the job crossed off our list and to feel like the house is cleaner. It really makes a difference to look out of our windows and see through it so clearly. Of course, it doesn't help to see so much cottonwood fluff flying around the neighborhood and sticking to the window screens when we open up the windows. The windows are so clean that I'm starting to prepare myself for birds flying into it, as they often happen around this time of the year. At least if I expect dead birds, then I'm not so disappointed when my windows get dirty again. Sigh.

1 comment:

The Sudden Cook said...

So nice to read your updates! Yes I love the feeling when the house is all clean. J and I headed for a short holiday to Perhentian Island. Will be back next week. Desperately need to leave work behind. Love to all:)