Friday, December 19, 2008

A little boy turns 2

Caleb can barely use his two finger to point out that he is two but he can say the word "two", at least. He didn't really know what all the fuss was when I got him a Thomas the tank engine helium balloon and a candle to put on his cupcakes. It didn't matter to him - he still enjoyed eating his cupcake. Unlike his big sister, he rather eat his cupcake without frosting. Personally, I think he prefers my homemade frosting to the Betty crocker store-bought type. I don't blame him. :-)
It was fun to have Grandma and Grandpa Macdonald there for his birthday and to see him open up all his gifts. I think the big hit was the green John Deere tractor that they bought for him. 

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ho Ho Ho

Our library had a small Christmas program on Dec. 18th where they had story time, some snacks and a chance to meet Santa. Sydney had written a letter for Santa telling him of the toys she was interested in getting and was looking forward to the day to meet him. However, when Santa showed up on the scene, Sydney fled -- not interested on sitting on his lap at all! We waited at the library (Grandma & Grandpa Macdonald were visiting at the time as well) until Santa was done with all the other children and then she changed her mind and was willing to visit with him. When she opened up the card to read to Santa, we heard people in the room comment on how organized Sydney was and that she might be a CEO someday. John just shook his head wondering, could it be that his little girl is just like daddy. Caleb showed more enthusiasm in the beginning to visit with Santa but then refused to sit on his lap. But he would boldly point at santa and say "Ho Ho Ho!". It's the cutest ho-ho you've ever heard. Anyway, the library took a similar picture and got our permission to post it in our local area newspaper.