Friday, December 18, 2009

Family update

It's hard to believe but Sophia is already 7 weeks. She is such a good baby. She's already sleeping about 8 hours a night and some good naps in the day time. We've had the pleasure of receiving some cute smiles and cooing when we talk to her. She often feels uncomfortable in her stomach in the late evenings so we've had to give her some Mylicon to give relief. Sydney and Caleb continue to adore her and have enjoyed feeding her with a bottle.

This is Sydney's last week of school before the 2 week winter break. Today, she learned how to tie shoe laces for the first time and she's pretty proud of herself too. She got some new tennis shoes this week from Stride Rite and she wore them to school to show her friends. I'm so proud of her too because it took me awhile (I think I was in 2nd or 3rd grade) before I wore shoes with laces to school. It seems like she picked it up so quickly and she was eager to learn.

Caleb turns 3 on Saturday (19th). Hard to believe that my little boy is not a baby anymore. He's got a lot of energy these days. His attention span is pretty short, but he enjoys playing with his trains in the basement. He's also been potty training and improving each day. Last week (I think), he told me that he wanted to wear his Buzz Light underpants and said he did not want to pee in those. He kept his word at it too, which tells me he can now hold a few minutes before making it to the potty.

This is also John's last week of school. He has been grading the finals and is looking forward to the semester being done. He's had a full load of classes, and looks forward to having a small break. He doesn't have to teach in the Spring but will be very busy catching up on his research writing.

And for me.... well....what can I say. I'm a happy mom, but a tired mommy too. It seems like the minute I wake up, there's always something to do. It amazes me that there are always dishes to clean or put away, or laundry to fold and sorting through the mountain of papers and mail on my desk. Now that Sydney is in school, she comes home with paper and information that just sits on my desk until I have time to read it and sort through. I like to take a few minutes each day to look at Facebook or catch up on email - it's ME time, to relax a little.

Christmas is next week and the kids are more than excited to see what Santa will bring them. We are teaching the kids more about the meaning of Christmas this year, and that is helping us stay grateful as well. So much to be thankful for this year and so much to look forward to next year.