Monday, July 28, 2008

Annual Dean's Undergraduate Awards Banquet

On May 8th earlier this year, John had the honor of receiving the Krowe Teaching Award at the R.H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. He was nominated and recognized for genuinely caring about students, taking initiative in improving software in supply chain applications, and a “great job of lecturing supply chain design”.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Summer Blog

Caleb & Riley enjoying snacks after playing in the fountain downtown Silver Spring
Sydney takes a swim class

Summer is here and I've been enjoying myself too much, that it's been hard to update this blog with everything going on. We were in Iowa for a few weeks in June. It was fun to catch up with friends and family. While in Iowa, we visited friends in Waterloo. Sydney had fun at the Miller pond - catching fish - going on a boat - and having her 1st Smores. We also saw our good friends, Chris & Alicia and their kids who happen to be in town the same time we were. They live in CO so we don't get to see them too often, but we hooked up for lunch at Hickory Park in Ames. Yum-O! Celebrated Father's Day in Ames with Jim and went home with Anne & Adam to Harlan that evening. Sydney loved riding the John Deere tractor with Uncle Adam and thought that was pretty cool. It was a wonderful trip.

John has to finish up his dissertation in the next two months and hopes to defend in mid-September. Our goal is to move to Lansing, MI in late October. We are very excited about this next adventure.

Sydney also started taking swim classes for 2 weeks. She doesn't like getting her face wet, so hopefully going to the pool everyday will slowly give her more exposure and experience.

Sydney and Caleb's summer favorites: Playing in the fountain downtown silver spring; Popsicles; Lemonade; PB&J sandwiches; playing in the sandbox; Playgrounds; Library summer events

Fun! Fun! fun.........

Monday, July 7, 2008

Caleb's Haircut

This isn't Caleb's first haircut BUT it is his first at-home haircut. His fringe was getting a little too long and started getting into his eyes. The other motivation for the trim was that he was repeatedly called a "she" while we were shopping at IKEA. I said "That's it!" He's getting a hair cut. At first, I put him in the bathtub, sitting on a stool. The experience was completely misreable for the both of us. With a lot of crying and Sydney helping to keep him still by feeding him some goldfish, I only managed to trim his front.
When Daddy got home that evening, we put him in the kitchen sitting in his booster seat and we brought out the razor that we use for daddy. While John did a funny dance to keep him entertained (and that worked -- imagine that!), I was able to give him a quick buzz all over. YAY. Now, he looks like an older kid. Boy oh Boy.