Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Visiting family in Iowa

You won't believe it even if I told you, but it's true. I (Vivien) drove 1200 miles from Maryland to Iowa with both kids. I made one stop in Indianapolis and stayed with some good friends for a couple of days and then drove on to Iowa. How did the kids do? Great! It couldn't have gone any better. They slept for most of the way and when they were awake, Sydney kept Caleb entertained. John was in California for work and he flew to Iowa to meet up with us. Since being in Iowa, we have had a great time meeting with uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents. Here are a few pictures

Sydney with cousin Ellie and Ben Storr. Caleb and Anna(3 months) are in the stroller at the back.

Grandpa Jim with Caleb at the waterpark and Sydney with cousin, Lainey.