Monday, December 10, 2007

Big Hole in the Ground

John and I had a little get-away right before Thanksgiving. We flew to Phoeniz, Arizona where John had a conference to attend for 5 days. We dropped the kids off with his parents in Iowa, who graciously watched our kids for us so that we could have a little time to ourselves. The conference was held at the Desert Ridge Marriot Resort in Phoenix and the place was absolutely beautiful. I (Vivien) came home feeling refreshed and relaxed after being there. It was the perfect vacation. All I did was read, sit by the pool, swim and enjoy the facilities at the resort. Towards the end of the trip, we took a day trip and drove to the Grand Canyon.
I was expecting to just see this big hole in the ground but turned out to be more than that. GC was absolutely breath-taking and left me speechless.
Took some pictures, but we feel that even the pictures don't do any justice for what we really saw and how we felt about the GC.
The 1st picture was taken in Sedona Valley, on our way to GC. The rest were taken at the GC.