Thursday, March 12, 2009

The little story-teller

Sydney has told a few stories that I've typed up lately. She's likes to make up stories as she goes. I print them out and let her illustrate them. Thought they are fun to share.

Story #1: Once upon a time, there was a girl named Holly and a boy named Jack. One day, a big scary dinosaur came to chase them and eat them up. But they ran away into their house and closed the door. The dinosaur couldn’t get in. He was too big to fit through the door. They locked the door. The dinosaur ran away to his family and cried all day long and all night long. The End.

Story #2: There was a girl named Sydney and today is her birthday. She turned 5 years old. She was so excited for her birthday. Her mother said “Sydney, you are going to have your birthday party tomorrow.” When Sydney heard that, she ran upstairs to her bedroom and she cried. Mother heard the crying and she went upstairs. She said “Sydney, I just made a mistake. I just forgot that today was your birthday. I just called everyone that was your best friend. All your friends will come to your party. Sydney had a wonderful birthday party. She ate so many sweets that all her teeth fell out and she got smaller, and smaller and so tiny that she couldn’t have her birthday on May 17th. The End.

A nice compliment

John had to dress up for the Logistics Symposium at the University today. When he was ready to go, he asked Sydney for her comments on his formal apparel. She replied by saying "Daddy, you look like the President". Then proceeded to give him a hug before he walked out the door.