Monday, July 7, 2008

Caleb's Haircut

This isn't Caleb's first haircut BUT it is his first at-home haircut. His fringe was getting a little too long and started getting into his eyes. The other motivation for the trim was that he was repeatedly called a "she" while we were shopping at IKEA. I said "That's it!" He's getting a hair cut. At first, I put him in the bathtub, sitting on a stool. The experience was completely misreable for the both of us. With a lot of crying and Sydney helping to keep him still by feeding him some goldfish, I only managed to trim his front.
When Daddy got home that evening, we put him in the kitchen sitting in his booster seat and we brought out the razor that we use for daddy. While John did a funny dance to keep him entertained (and that worked -- imagine that!), I was able to give him a quick buzz all over. YAY. Now, he looks like an older kid. Boy oh Boy.

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