We had all the trims around the house painted, some wood replaced around the garage door and back door and John bought some nice maroon window shades (to replace the beige ones), which really brightens up the house. Anyway, Caleb has been intrigued with the painters working outside and they let him play with some of their tools - which he thought was a real treat. On the first day, he tried to climb up the ladder and imitate the painters who were trying to get to the roof. Then he would get into their paint and see if he could have a go at painting. Two nights ago, Sydney came to me and handed me a tool, (that looked like it was for scraping old paint off or something) and said she found it in Caleb's room behind the rocking chair. He obviously found it interesting enough to take it for himself. Thankfully he didn't hurt himself with it. Who knows what he's been doing using that tool. Sigh.
My mom tells us the story of my brother who once "stole" a box of matches from a contractor (who smoked) and who was working on our home and tried to strike a match in his room. But my brother was a few years older than Caleb, though. This gives me very little hope that this sort of mischievousness is going to go away anytime soon.